RT Blog

Location: Indiana, United States

I became a Professor Emeritus after serving 29 years as a recreational therapy faculty member at Indiana University. I'm a long-time Hoosier, having grown up in Hanover, Indiana. My RT practitioner work was in psych/mental health. After completing my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, my first faculty position was at the University of North Texas. RT has been a wonderful profession for me as I have had the opportunity to serve as an author and national leader.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Action Alert for Mental Health Parity Bill

An Action Alert from the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law appears below. This legislation ATRA has been pushing for over a number of years.

Urge March 5 House Vote for Parity

February 28, 2008--We have been pushing hard since 2001 to enact full mental
health parity. Now, thanks to your outreach to legislators and the advocacy of
many others across the nation (including ATRA), victory is at last within reach. Following the Senate's historic passage of the Mental Health Parity Act (S. 558) by unanimous consent in September, the House is poised to take up its bill, H.R. 1424, on Wednesday, March 5.

Parity supporters across America should contact their Representative NOW
to urge his or her vote for H.R. 1424. Senate and House leaders should continue
to work together to reconcile differences between the versions and produce a bill
that can pass in both chambers.

Please Act Now!
Use the toll-free Parity Hotline, 1-866-parity4 (1-866-727-4894), to call your
U.S. Representative. (The Parity Hotline reaches the Capitol switchboard,
which can connect callers to their members of Congress). If you are not sure
of your Representative's name, you can find it by entering your zip code at

Message: "I am calling to ask that the Representative vote for H.R. 1424,
the Paul Wellstone Mental Health & Addiction Equity Act. Parity is a fair and
affordable solution to insurance discrimination. It will save lives and families."

The Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007 expands the
Mental Health Parity Act of 1996 by prohibiting group health plans from
imposing treatment or financial limitations on mental health benefits that are
different from those applied to medical/surgical services. The legislation
applies only to group health plans already providing mental health benefits
and exempts plans sponsored by small businesses with fewer than 50 employees.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Youngkhill Lee to Calvin

Breaking news! Professor Youngkhill Lee will be leaving Indiana University (IU) to assume a faculty position at Calvin College. He will join the faculty at Calvin in the fall.

This is a real loss for IU because Youngkhill has been an exceptional researcher and teacher during his years at IU. He also has played a large role in service to his profession while at IU (although many of his service contributions may go unnoticed because he has often performed "behind the scenes.").

As a former colleague of Youngkhill's at IU I can tell you that we are all sorry to see him leave IU. He has been a wonderful colleague who has been a terrific contributor to both IU and his profession. I am sure his new colleagues and students at Calvin will find Youngkhill to be a real gift -- as we have at IU. Best of success, Youngkhill!

Monday, February 25, 2008

ATRA Alert Senate Bill

URGENT Alert to ATRA Members

Seeking Senate Support for ATRA Medicare Initiative!!

As you are aware, HR 4248, the “Ensuring Medicare Access to Recreational Therapy Act of 2007,” is currently being promoted in the U.S. House of Representatives and ATRA recently asked members to contact their Congressmen in support of that bill.

Now, ATRA needs you to contact your Senators to request their support for similar provisions to address RT policy in the Senate Finance Committee Medicare bill. You can do so by phone, e-mail or letter. Please act by March 7. We will continue to update you on our progress at that time.

Please keep us informed and copy us on your letters and responses. Send to lmorgan@siskinrehab.org, diane.baumann@psysolutions.com, skalkot@ecu.edu. We are open to providing any assistance as needed.

Please Act Now!! Contact Your Senators!!


Reach your Senators through the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121.


Log on to www.senate.gov to locate the contact and e-mail information for your Senators. Once you get to their website, use the “contact” button or menu pull-down to access fax and e-mail contact information.

“Web forms:” You will find that nearly all Senate offices have forms to fill out for constituent e-mails. When you get to these web forms, be sure to:

1) Fill out all the relevant boxes of requested information (this gives the office the means to process your e-mail efficiently);

2) Type in a header: “Attn: Healthcare LA” at the top of the space provided;

3) Next cut-and-paste your message (see attachment) below the header.



Note: When you talk to staff, you will not have a long time to discuss your request as they usually have very, busy schedules. Please be sure to cover the following proven steps to ensure all relevant details are covered, to optimize your time and to achieve a successful result.

Review this alert and the brief summary below (or the attached letter) so that you know what you want to say before you call.

Call the Senate office, tell them you are a “constituent” (meaning you live in their state/district) and ask to speak to the “Healthcare Legislative Assistant.” This person will handle requests involving our issue.

Note: Try not to let the receptionist simply record your address and concerns as all that will be accomplished is that you will receive a mailed letter response. What you want is to talk to the staffer responsible for our issue.
Begin by identifying yourself, your profession and/or any facility that you work with; this demonstrates up front that you are a significant constituent/voter for that Senate office.
Then, summarize our issue (using the summary below) and what it means to you and ATRA. Focus on what is most relevant to you as the more comfortable you are with your message, the better it will be relayed.
Most importantly, ask for the Senator “demonstrate his support on the issue by contacting the Finance committee and Senator Bingaman’s staff in support of this issue.” This is your “ask” and forgetting to make it is the biggest mistake made by advocates!


We suggest putting the attached letter to the attention of the “Healthcare Legislative Assistant.” This person will handle requests involving our issue.

Personalize the draft letter in the space provided by identifying yourself and describing your profession, and/or any facility that you work with and then the organization (ATRA); all of which demonstrates up front that you are a significant constituent/voter of that legislative office. You can also summarize what the issue means to you, your practice and/or facility.

Then either fax your letter to your Senator or attach the text of your letter to the email/web form you send to your Senator.

Note: We suggest e-mails and faxes over regular postal mail as there is considerable delay (weeks) in receipt of postal mail in Senate offices due to increased security.


Overview: We need Senators help to ensure that Medicare patients consistently receive recreational therapy services when such services are prescribed by their doctors and warranted by their health condition. This can be done by supporting the inclusion of a provision in the Senate Finance Committee’s Medicare bill directing CMS to publicly clarify current Medicare coverage and payment policy.

In specific:

We want language directing CMS to issue notification in the Medicare Benefits Policy Manual (or by regulation) that recreational therapy is a covered Medicare service in inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), inpatient psychiatric facilities (IPFs), and skilled nursing facilities (SNFs).

In addition, such language would recognize that the costs of providing recreational therapy services have already been built into the prospective payment systems for each of these three settings.

Finally, such language would define recreational therapy services as skilled rehabilitation therapy (not just diversional activities) that must be provided by a qualified recreational therapist when required by a patient’s condition and prescribed by a physician as part of a facility’s plan of care for the patient.

It is important to note that this clarification will not create new Medicare coverage or additional costs to the Medicare program because it would not add new services to the Medicare program.

The Senate has sent a number of sign-on letters and other communications to CMS asking for this to be done administratively (without then the need to pass a law) but CMS has ignored these requests to date.


February __, 2008

The Honorable [Your Senator’s Name]
Re: Securing Rec. Therapy Provisions in Finance Cmte. Medicare Bill
U.S. Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Senator [Your Senator’s Last Name]:

I am seeking your support for the inclusion of legislative language in the Senate Finance Committee’s Medicare bill that will help ensure that Medicare inpatients receive recreational therapy services when such services are prescribed by their doctors and warranted by their health condition.

[Write a short paragraph describing who you are, where you live, what you do and where you work.]

Recreational therapy (RT) is recognized as a skilled healthcare service that restores, remediates, and rehabilitates functional capacity in persons with injuries, chronic illnesses and disabilities. It is provided by certified recreational therapists and is prescribed and supervised by a physician as part of an inpatient facility’s treatment plan for individual patients.

However, beneficiary access to recreational therapy services in inpatient settings throughout the country is very inconsistent largely due to a lack of clarity in CMS’s regulations and manual provisions. This lack of clarity has created the widespread misconception that recreational therapy services are not covered in inpatient settings of care, despite the fact that CMS has repeatedly stated that they are both covered and included in existing prospective payment systems. This is a budget neutral clarification that does not add new services or additional costs to the Medicare program.

Congress has repeatedly requested CMS to clarify its recreational therapy policy to providers, but while CMS has responded to every congressional inquiry stating that recreational therapy is covered and included in existing payment systems, CMS has not communicated this same message to fiscal intermediaries, facility administrators, treating physicians in these settings, and other relevant entities. As a result, many of them are misinterpreting CMS guidance and denying recreational therapy, to the detriment of patients.

Public, formal clarification by CMS of recreational therapy coverage and payment policy in these inpatient settings, as directed by this provision, is all that is needed to ensure that Medicare inpatients who need recreational therapy services receive appropriate access to these vital rehabilitative therapies.

Senators Baucus and Grassley are well aware of the legislative language described above and we ask that you convey your support for inclusion of this language in the Senate Medicare bill to ensure that Medicare patients have consistent access to recreational therapy services. If I can answer any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.


Please act by March 7.

Please keep us informed and copy us on your letters and responses. Send to lmorgan@siskinrehab.org, diane.baumann@psysolutions.com, skalkot@ecu.edu. We are open to providing any assistance as needed.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Using Hand-Held Computer Technology

I just read a research article on the use of hand-held computers called personal degital assistants (PSAs). Stanford University researchers used the PSAs to successfully promote the physical activity of middle age and older adults.

The participants received beeps on their PSAs in the morning and again in the evening. The PSAs would help them to set activity goals, track their activities, and gain feedback on how well they were doing in achieving their goals.

As I read the article, I wondered if any RTs or RT researchers had used PSAs with participants. Please comment if you have any knowledge of the use of PSAs in RT.

The article appeared in the February, 2008, issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. The lead author is Abby C. King and the article title is Promoting Physical Activity Through Hand-Held Computer Technology.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

At Heart Attack Warning Signs Call 911

From the American Heart Association...

Heart Attack Warning Signs
Some heart attacks are sudden and intense — the "movie heart attack," where no one doubts what's happening. But most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often people affected aren't sure what's wrong and wait too long before getting help.

Here are signs that can mean a heart attack is happening:
Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain.
Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort.
Other signs may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness

If you have any of these warning signs:
Dial 9-1-1 Fast
Heart attack and stroke are life-and-death emergencies — every second counts. If you see or have any of the listed symptoms, immediately call 9-1-1.

Action Needed Now on RT Bill

The following action alert was recently sent out by ATRA:

SUBJECT: H.R. 4248 “The Ensuring Medicare Access To Recreational Therapy Act Of 2007” has been introduced in the United States House of Representatives

Introduction of ATRA’s House Bill, H.R. 4248!!
“The Ensuring Medicare Access To Recreational Therapy Act Of 2007”

IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUESTED: The American Therapeutic Recreation Association asks you to contact/re-contact your federal Representative to request their support for HR 4248!

We recommend that you do this with a personal phone call or by scheduling a direct meeting with your Representative or their staff person.

Please Act Now!! Contact Your Member Of Congress!!
We need TO BUILD support FoR H.R. 4248 Now !!

We have 20 Co-sponsors for HR 4248 and need your support to increase this number!!!

You can check if your representative has signed on as a co-sponsor by going to WWW.THOMAS.GOV



H.R. 4248 is the “The Ensuring Medicare Access To Recreational Therapy Act Of 2007” sponsored by Reps. Tauscher (D-CA) and English (R-PA).

Overview: The purpose of the bill is to help ensure that Medicare patients receive recreational therapy services when such services are prescribed by their doctors and warranted by their health condition. This is done by directing CMS to publicly clarify current Medicare coverage and payment policy.


The bill directs CMS to issue notification in the Medicare Benefits Policy Manual (or by regulation) that recreational therapy is a covered Medicare service in inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), inpatient psychiatric facilities (IPFs), and skilled nursing facilities (SNFs).

In addition, it recognizes that the costs of providing recreational therapy services have already been built into the prospective payment systems for each of these three settings.

Finally, the bill defines recreational therapy services as skilled rehabilitation therapy (not just diversional activities) that must be provided by a qualified recreational therapist when required by a patient’s condition and prescribed by a physician as part of a facility’s plan of care for the patient.

It is important to note that this resolution will not create new Medicare coverage or additional costs to the Medicare program because it would not add services to the Medicare program.


Reach your Congressman through the Congressional switchboard at 202- 225 -3121.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lamar & Kelly Evans a Plus for ATRA

In posting the change of address for ATRA yesterday I could not help but recall how Lamar and Kelly Evans played key roles in ATRA's development during its early years. It was my pleasure to get to know Lamar and Kelly when I was an ATRA President and Board Member in the early and mid-1990s. They are "good people" who I'm sure will do an excellent job as they perform management functions for ATRA.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

ATRA Has New Address

Attention All ATRA Members !!!!!!
Effective Monday, February 18, 2008
ATRA has a new address and new phone and fax numbers:

c/o AMS
207 Third Ave.
Hattiesburg, MS 39401

Phone: 601-450-ATRA (2872)
Fax: 601-582-3354

The ATRA Board of Directors is excited to announce that ATRA Membership Services are now managed by:
Lamar and Kelly Evans
Association Management Systems, Inc. (AMS)

CDARTA Workshop May 9th

CDARTA, the Cincinnati-Dayton Area Recreation Therapy Association, has announced its Annual Workshop to be held May 9, 2008, at the St. Francis of Assisi Church in Centerville, Ohio.

CDARTA is an ATRA chapter well known for its programs. ATRA CEUs will be available. For details go to:


Monday, February 18, 2008

RT Research Appears in NT Times

Below is a link to an article written by Seth Schiesel a reporter from the New York Times about research being conducted by Carmen Russoniello at East Carolina University. The article discusses the positive effects brought about by playing video games for fun and how Carmen is studying these effects in his lab.

Carmen has reported that a larger detailed article is scheduled after the results are complete at the end of March. Wired Magazine will be here the first week of March and a professional film crew from New York will be here to do short clips that will be used on Good Morning America etc., sometime in March.

Carmen is very excited about these developments and what they will mean to the profession, department, and growth of the Recreational Therapy-Psychophysiology Lab and Biofeedback Clinic.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Most Popular Search Terms

A report in today's Indianapolis Star newspaper listed the most popular search terms used by medical professionals during the past three months, according to SearchMedica.com

The five top psychiatric search terms were: (1) Bipolar; (2) Borderline personality disorder; (3) OCD; (4) ADHD; and (5) Depression.

I wonder what the most popular search terms for RTs would be. Any ideas?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Just want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day from the RT Blog!

Mid-Eastern Symposium May 18 - 20

Jan Monroe recently sent out information on the 32nd Annual Mid-Eastern Symposium on Therapeutic Recreation. It is to be held May 18 - 20, 2008, at the Clarion Fountainebleau Hotel in Ocean City, Maryland.

ATRA president Marcia Smith, M.S., CTRS, will give the Keynote Address. Among other speakers are: Bob Riley, G.T. Thompson, Sharon Nichols, John Shank, and Catherine Coyle.

It was also announced that the 2009 Mid-Eastern Symposium will be held May 3 -5,2009,in Hershey, PA.

For detailed information on the 32nd Annual Mid-Eastern Symposium go to: http://www.mideastsymposium.com/

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Doug Sessoms Passes Away

Sad news. Doug Sessoms has passed away in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, following a long illness. Doug was a professor in recreation at UNC-Chapel Hill for 42 years. While his area was not RT, he was always highly supportive of our profession. To say the least, Doug will be greatly missed.

Hill to be Co-sponsor of ATRA RT Medicare Legislation

Diane Baumann, M.S., CTRS, has announced that Congressman Baron Hill of Indiana has agreed to be a co-sponsor for ATRA's Recreational Therapy Medicare legislation. This is great news! Diane has been the primary force in getting Baron Hill to become a co-sponsor -- so we owe her a lot. Nice going, Diane!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Annual Submission Deadline Extended

The deadline for submission to the ATRA Annual in Therapeutic Recreation has been extended to FEBRUARY 28, 2008,according to Norma Stumbo, Editor for the Annual.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Self-Massage: A Good Relaxation Technique

While working on the 6th edition of my book, Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques, I rediscovered three books on self-massage -- a relaxation technique that I think RTs should be using with their clients.

I had mentioned Mary Atkinson's A Practical Guide to Self-Massage in an earlier post some time ago. The book was published in London by Cico Books in 2005 and offers 50 self-massage movements. Two other books have good sections on self-massage, complete with many self-massage techniques that RTs can teach clients. These are Voner's (2005)Massage: Everything You Need to Relax, Rejuvenate, and Relieve Stress. The other is Stuart's (2006)The Illustrated Guide to Massage and Aromatherapy.

A common therapeutic benefit from RT is helping people deal with stress and find means to relaxation. If you haven't tried out self-message with your clients, now may be a good time because it offers great potential.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

RT Leader GT Thompson Running for Congress

I recently received the following message from GT Thompson. Most know GT as a national leader in RT. He has decided to run for Congress. Wouldn't it be great to have an RT in Congress! Here is GT's message:

Hi All,

Some of you have asked for information on my run for Congress.
Three weeks ago Congressman Peterson (Pennsylvania 5th) announced he would not be seeking re-election. After much thought I decided to throw my hat into the ring.

I have formally filed with the Federal Election Commission as a candidate
for Congress (Pennsylvania 5th). Since announcing one week ago I have
traveled over 1,800 miles and visited 13 of the 17 Counties.
My message has been well received and has distinguished my candidacy from my
opponents. The citizens like the idea of a Citizen Legislator with a health
care background. They are excited about someone who has refined the skills
of quickly assessing complex problems and situations, can work with a
diverse team and has a record of determining cost-effective solutions.

Now I need to raise campaign contributions to get that message out!

Please feel free to pass this exciting news and campaign update along to
those in the profession.

Those that would like to support my bid for Congress can make contributions
to "Friends of Glenn Thompson"

Friends of Glenn Thompson
198 Park Road
Howard, PA 16841


GT Thompson

Friday, February 01, 2008

Disability and Health Journal

The first issue of the new journal, Disability and Health Journal has been published. See the link below for more information:
