RT Blog

Location: Indiana, United States

I became a Professor Emeritus after serving 29 years as a recreational therapy faculty member at Indiana University. I'm a long-time Hoosier, having grown up in Hanover, Indiana. My RT practitioner work was in psych/mental health. After completing my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, my first faculty position was at the University of North Texas. RT has been a wonderful profession for me as I have had the opportunity to serve as an author and national leader.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Associate/Full Professor, Therapeutic Recreation
Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management, Clemson University

The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at Clemson University invites applications for a nine-month, tenure track position at the associate/full professor level beginning in August, 2013.

The successful candidate must have the ability to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the therapeutic recreation emphasis area. The ability to teach courses on-line would also be an asset. In addition, the successful candidate will have a well-developed research agenda, demonstrate successful ability to obtain external funding to support that agenda, supervise graduate student committees, and participate in service to the university and the profession. The successful candidate will be able to lead a thriving TR graduate and undergraduate program that has demonstrated considerable growth over the past five years.

In the letter of application, candidates should comment on how they see themselves contributing to the current and future focus of the emphasis area. We are especially interested in hiring a colleague who complements our existing faculty, who can be a collaborator with various other faculty in our department and our College, and who can continue to provide support to the partnerships the University has established with clinical and community-based agencies that provide TR services within the state and across the country.

Review of applications will begin September 28, 2012 and will continue until the position is filled. To apply, mail to the address below or email to Lynne Cory (cory2@clemson.edu) a letter of application addressing the specified qualification criteria and position responsibilities, the names and contact information of three references, unofficial transcripts, a one page teaching philosophy, and a curriculum vitae to:

Dr. Lynne Cory, CTRS
Search Committee Chair
Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
128 McGinty Court
263 Lehotsky Hall
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0735
(864) 656-2198

ATRA Educators Call for Posters

From Jen Piatt, Ph.D., CTRS, via the ATRAnet Listserv:

American Therapeutic Recreation Association
2012 Effective Teaching Techniques: Meeting the Needs of the New Millennial Student
Call for Sessions: Innovative Teaching Strategies
Held in conjunction with the ATRA 2011 Annual Conference October 12-15, 2012 Phoenix, AZ

The ATRA 2012 Innovative Teaching Strategies poster session will be held during the Annual Conference of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association. The proposed day and time is Saturday, October 13th from 10:30 to 12 noon. The purpose of this session is to advance the field of Recreational Therapy through the sharing of innovative teaching ideas relevant to the New Millennial Student. This session also provides an opportunity for educators, practitioners, and students to engage in discussions on the challenges presented by the millennial students.

Submission Deadline:
Completed session proposals must be received no later than July 27, 2012. A confirmation of receipt will be sent via email. Once all session proposals have been reviewed you will receive notification. If you have questions regarding the proposal submission guidelines, please contact Jennifer Piatt at jenpiatt@indiana.edu, or Jennifer Hinton at jlhinton@wcu.edu.

Participants will be able to cite the overall learning styles of millennial students (versus students of their own generation) which emphasize that millennial students are:

* Interactive and Cooperative
* Project-Centered
* Active (especially within civic engagement and volunteerism)
* Creative
* Multi-tasking
* Challenging
(Silvers, 2011)

These are based on the facts that millennial students feel (in comparison to other generations):

* Protected and "special"
* More trusting and in general more optimistic
* More pressured and have greater desires to achieve
(DiPietro, in press)

Please Note:
Up to 15 posters will be accepted based on space accommodations at the conference venue. Posters will be screened by the speakers based on the criteria posted in the session objectives. The presenters must agree to be present at the poster session to present their material. All attendees must be present at the entire session to receive CEUs.

At the end of the session all attendees and presenters will be convened for a 10 minute overall question and answer session with Jennifer Hinton moderating.

Session Proposal Instruction Sheet

Session Title:
List session title using no more than 6 words

Focus Area:
List applicable focus area(s) from previous page [Innovative Teaching Strategies]
Lead Speaker:
Name and Title
Agency Name & Address
Phone, Fax and E-mail

Session Description:
Describe your session in 25 words or less.
Session Learning Outcomes:
Write up to three specific, measurable outcomes, by priority, using measurable action phrases (define, communicate, evaluate, analyze...). A minimum of two outcomes are required.
Poster Logistics:
If the poster is accepted presenters will be required to adhere to poster guidelines, including size and format.
Additional Speakers:
Include a 2-page resume or vitae for each speaker. Each attachment must include previous experience with this topic, as well as title, agency/business address, phone, fax, certificates held. Proposals without this information will not be considered. A maximum of three speakers are permitted per session.

2012 RTI Call for Presentations

Recreation Therapists of Indiana
2012 call for presentations

We have such an exciting conference planned for you at Bradford Woods November 1 & 2, 2012. We will be sending out information on the conference next week- so keep your eyes peeled! We are able to offer amazing registration packages for you. Also- we are lucky to have the NCTRC board of directors joining us for November 1, and they will be presenting sessions for us on Thursday. Therefore, we are looking for presentations for Friday only (November 2). If you are interested in submitting to present, please fill out the form RTI 2012 call for presentations.docx and email it to Marieke Van Puymbroeck at mvp@indiana.edu. We really hope you will share your knowledge with us- we are successful because of our members and presenters- so please consider sharing with us!

RT Opening in Montana

From the ATRAnet Listserv from Beth Eastman, CTRS:

Please see new position at Montana State Hospital. I encourage you to please forward to all interested parties. I may be reached at 406-693-7145 if anyone should have questions regarding this position. You may also see the position posted at www.mt.gov

Health and Happiness,
Beth Eastman, CTRS

Rehabilitation Department Manager

Montana State Hospital

PO Box 300

Warm Springs, MT 59756


New York Workshops

From Jen Battle, CTRS ATRAnet:
Just a reminder that The New York State Therapeutic Recreation Association (NYSTRA) will be sponsoring two slightly different One Day Workshops on the Utilization of Complementary Techniques Across the Therapeutic Recreation Health Spectrum. One will be offered at Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital in Schenectady, NY (Saturday September 29, 2012) and the other will be offered at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains, NY (Friday October 12, 2012). The deadline to register for the Sunnyview workshop is Friday September 7th (limited to 40 attendees) and the Burke workshop is Friday September 21st. Both flyers and registration forms are attached below. There is a discounted registration rate for NYSTRA & NYSRPS members. If you have any questions please feel free to either contact Jennifer Battle at Sunnyview (jkallan@nycap.rr.com) or Alexandra Oudhesden at Burke (AOUDHEUSDEN@burke.org)

Feel free to share the information with anyone that might be interested.

Mail your registration forms in today to reserve your spot! Continue enjoying your summer!

Opening in Texas

Colleen Cooke

From Colleen Cooke:

Info from Scott Brown in Lubbuck, Texas. At the

hospital he works at they need a Therapeutic Recreation person. He

said he position has not yet been put on their webpage.

His phone number is (806) 749-2222

His e-mail is sbrown@trustpointhospital.com

RT Opening

From Christine Havach via the ATRAnet:

There is a job opening at my hospital, Twin Valley Behavioral Healthcare which is a state psychiatric hospital. The position is for a CTRS in our maximum security forensic buidling where you will be working with two music therapists and have a case load of about 40 people split between the 3 of you. Please contact Veronica Lofton at 614-752-0333 ext 5450 to inquire.
Also, please be consistent about getting back/being available if you are interested.

If you have more detailed questions about the facility/position, please call or email Christine Havach at 216-965-5673 or Christine_Havach@hotmail.com

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Back Home Again in Indiana

Following a 2-week hiatus (trip on the Baltic Sea) the old Hoosier RT is back in Indiana. From the headings on my email, much has been going on in RT during the last couple of weeks. I'll plan to start making posts today on the RT Blog. It is good to be back!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Today's Quote from Disability.gov

"You have to dream before your dreams can come true." Abdul Kalam

Friday, July 06, 2012

Free Stuff and Lessons Learned Post

Yesterday, I sent out a reminder on ATRAnet that, at NO COST,  the RTV videos are still available from the Indiana University Library, as is the Glossary of Recreation Therapy and Occupational Therapy. Recreation Therapy Videos (RTV videos) are available via streaming from the Indiana University Library at https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/3378 The Glossary of Recreation Therapy and Occupational Therapy is available at http://hdl.handle.net/2022/6474
I also mentioned my book titled Lessons Learned: An Open Letter to Recreational Therapy Students and Practitioners is available from Sagamore Publishing in paperback (around $20) and as an ebook (around $13) – and can be ordered from the Sagamore Publishing website, where instructors may also request an examination copy.
I also mentioned Terry Long’s book review of Lessons Learned in Vol. 45, No. 2, 2011, issue of Therapeutic Recreation Journal.
But I failed to mention another book review of Lessons Learned by Professor Victoria Dawn Shelar which appeared in Vol. 10, No. 2, 2011, issue of the American Journal of Recreation Therapy.
As stated in my earlier post, I’ll be happy to do a Q & A for instructors using Lessons Learned in their courses. Just contact me at daustin@indiana.edu

Thursday, July 05, 2012

ATRA Annual Hotel Information

Pointe Hilton Squaw Peak Resort
in Phoenix, Arizona
Reservations: 800-947-9784
Costs: $99 / night
(+ applicable state, local and occupancy taxes, currently 13.27%)Special rate for the ATRA throughMonday, September 10, 2012

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

New York State Workshops

From Jen Battle, CTRS, via the ATRAnet Listserv:

The New York State Therapeutic Recreation Association (NYSTRA) is pleased to announce that we will be offering two slightly different One Day Workshops on the Utilization of Complementary Techniques Across the Therapeutic Recreation Health Spectrum.  One will be offered at Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital in Schenectady, NY (Saturday September 29, 2012) and the other will be offered at Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains, NY (Friday October 12, 2012).   Both flyers and registration forms are attached below.  If you have any questions please feel free to either contact Jennifer Battle at Sunnyview (jkallan@nycap.rr.com)  or Alexandra Oudhesden at Burke (AOUDHEUSDEN@burke.org)