Location: Indiana, United States

I became a Professor Emeritus after serving 29 years as a recreational therapy faculty member at Indiana University. I'm a long-time Hoosier, having grown up in Hanover, Indiana. My RT practitioner work was in psych/mental health. After completing my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, my first faculty position was at the University of North Texas. RT has been a wonderful profession for me as I have had the opportunity to serve as an author and national leader.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sporadic Exercise, Even Sex, May Boost MI, Death Risk

The headline of an article in this morning's Medpage Today reads "Sporadic Exercise, Even Sex, May Boost MI, Death Risk." The article summarizes research that suggests episodic bouts of physical or sexual activity may carry a risk of heart attack or sudden cardiac death.

The risk does drop with regular physical activity -- so RTs may wish to mention this to clients who need motivation to maintain their physical activity programs!

The research appeared in the March 23/30 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.


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