Location: Indiana, United States

I became a Professor Emeritus after serving 29 years as a recreational therapy faculty member at Indiana University. I'm a long-time Hoosier, having grown up in Hanover, Indiana. My RT practitioner work was in psych/mental health. After completing my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, my first faculty position was at the University of North Texas. RT has been a wonderful profession for me as I have had the opportunity to serve as an author and national leader.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Possible Teaching Innovation

Professor Jo Ann Coco-Ripp from Winston-Salem State University is involved in an interesting teaching project and is looking for other educators who might share her interest. The message she sent me follows:

I am working on adding a new learning activity to one of my classes for fall. It is called a WebQuest. Here is one website that give some information in case you are interested:

The activity will be targeted to increase student knowledge and interest in the history and development of the field (TR/RT). It will be planned for group work out of class and will use one full class period of an hour for the final product.

I am still in the design phase and thought there might be some other educator who would like to develop this assignment with me. Then we could share our insights as well as learn what went right and wrong with the assignment.

If you are interested in learning more about this project, please contact me at


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