Location: Indiana, United States

I became a Professor Emeritus after serving 29 years as a recreational therapy faculty member at Indiana University. I'm a long-time Hoosier, having grown up in Hanover, Indiana. My RT practitioner work was in psych/mental health. After completing my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, my first faculty position was at the University of North Texas. RT has been a wonderful profession for me as I have had the opportunity to serve as an author and national leader.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Where Have All the Leaders Gone?

A friend recently sent me information about a new paperback book by Lee Iacocca. The book is titled "Where Have All the Leaders Gone?"

I must confess reading about Iacocca's book made me wonder where all the leaders in RT have gone. At one time people like Jerry Kelley, Dave Park, and Gary Robb were seen as strong leaders for the profession. Then a later wave of leaders came on the scene lead by Ray West. But today I am not sure where the next wave of leaders for RT will come from.

One thing Iacocca said in his book was that he has learned that you can't sit on the sidelines waiting for someone else to take action. I agree.

Perhaps I can do my small bit to discover badly needed leaders in RT by asking the question: "Where have all the leaders gone in RT?"


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