Location: Indiana, United States

I became a Professor Emeritus after serving 29 years as a recreational therapy faculty member at Indiana University. I'm a long-time Hoosier, having grown up in Hanover, Indiana. My RT practitioner work was in psych/mental health. After completing my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, my first faculty position was at the University of North Texas. RT has been a wonderful profession for me as I have had the opportunity to serve as an author and national leader.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

To all RTs in the United States and Canada, happy Labor Day!


Blogger Bob Krider said...

On this Labor Day I wonder how our profession could do a better job at thriving by doing a better at promoting our "product". We're the quintessential positive psychology, flow, intrinsic motivation, etc. bunch. So how can we be the first they call on to enhance growth of all kinds?

11:49 AM  

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