RT Blog

Location: Indiana, United States

I became a Professor Emeritus after serving 29 years as a recreational therapy faculty member at Indiana University. I'm a long-time Hoosier, having grown up in Hanover, Indiana. My RT practitioner work was in psych/mental health. After completing my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, my first faculty position was at the University of North Texas. RT has been a wonderful profession for me as I have had the opportunity to serve as an author and national leader.

Monday, August 31, 2009

TRJ Deadline Extended

I've been told by several sources that the deadline for submitting for the special TRJ issue on curriculum has been extended to January 1, 2010.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

RT Educators and RTV Videos -- Hello Out There!

With the 23 RTV videos now available via streaming, I thought a number of educators would be pleased, even excited, to have them available. Yet, other than perhaps six of so, educators have not communicated to me anything about the videos being available.

IU went to a great deal of effort to stream the RTV videos. I really appreciate that the IU Library provided this wonderful service. I sure hope educators will be using them.

I particularly believe the "To Serve a Purpose" video should be very helpful in introducing students to our profession. The two videos covering conceptual models ("Leisure Ability Model" and "Health Protection/Health Promotion Model") I would think would be excellent presentations for students to gain an understanding of conceptual models. And the history videos, I believe, are excellent -- especially the three-part history video. The other RTV videos that I would anticipate will get a lot of use are those on therapeutic communication, inclusing the one on nonverbal communication.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ATRA's Medicare Project

Thomas Skalko, Diane Skalko, and Lisa Morgan recently reported on ATRA's efforts with the Medicare Project. It appears ATRA was successful, at least in part, in improving RTs place within CMS.

As an ATRA member, I really appreciate all the work Thom, Diane, and Lisa and the entire ATRA team has put into the Medicare Project. Below is what I received as an ATRA member on the outcomes with CMS:

Recap of the ATRA RT Medicare Project

Over the past several years, the American Therapeutic Recreation Association has been engaged in an initiative to have the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) acknowledge that recreational therapy services, when prescribed by a physician, is a covered service in Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities (IPFs) and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs). On July 31, 2009, CMS issued final rules covering the Medicare Program: Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Prospective Payment System for Federal Fiscal Year 2010.

Outcome for RT Services

Following an extensive campaign to seek written clarification that recreational therapy (RT) is a covered service and to seek the inclusion of RT services as an option under the 3-hour guideline for IRFs, CMS issued final rules. In summary, CMS did identify RT as a covered service, when ordered by a physician as part of the overall rehabilitation plan. This is the first time they have acknowledged this in writing, thus, meaning we met our first goal of the RT Medicare Project. This is one hurdle that we can all be excited about for the profession. CMS did not, however, include RT as a service under the 3-hour guideline as a service that could be used in place of the required physical therapy and occupational therapy, or speech-language pathology/prosthetics/orthotics therapy.
While the initiative to seek inclusion of RT in the 3-hour guideline was not successful, the written acknowledgement that RT is a covered service under Medicare for IRFs was accomplished. ATRA, however, will be exploring the interpretations by CMS and seeking clarification of feedback provided in the final rule. The final rule goes into effect for Federal Fiscal Year 2010 (October 1, 2009 - September 30, 2010). ATRA's Federal Public Policy Team will keep you informed as actions progress.

For questions or comments, please contact Lisa Morgan at lmorgan@siskinrehab.org, Dr. Thomas Skalko at skalkot@ecu.edu, or Diane Skalko at dianeskalko@gmail.com

Major RT Journals Issue Calls for Manuscripts

In addition to Norma Stumbo's call for papers for the Annual in Therapeutic Recreation(see yesterday's post), the American Journal of Recreation Therapy recently issued a call for manuscripts.

Manuscript submission is handled electronically for both the Annual and AJRT. See yesterday's post for Dr. Stumbo's contact information. To submit to AJRT, go to http://ajrt.allentrack2.net

Linda Buettner, Ph.D., LRT, CTRS is the Editor-In-Chief of AJRT.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Call for Manuscripts, Annual in TR

Norma Stumbo, Ph.D., CTRS, is the Editor of Volume 19 of the Annual in Therapeutic Recreation. She has issued a "Call for Manuscripts" for the Annual.

The deadline to submit a manuscript to the Annual is February 14, 2010.

For further information contact Dr. Stumbo at nstumbo@illinois.edu or (309) 454-4582.

Associate Editors Needed for Annual in TR

Norma Stumbo, Ph.D., CTRS, is the Editor of Volume 19 of the Annual in Therapeutic Recreation. She has put out a "call for Associate Editors" for the Annual.

Associate Editors must be members of ATRA at the time they serve. The deadline to apply is September 9, 2009.

To apply for an Associate Editor position or for further information contact Dr. Stumbo at nstumbo@illinois.edu or (309) 454-4582.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Charlie Dixon’s RT/TR Directory

Charlie Dixon M.S., CTRS, continues to make a wonderful contribution to the profession through his web-based RT/TR Directory.

I just saw Charlie is now offering a new service on the RT/TR Directory, posting conference brochures. To post just send your conference brochure in electronic format to http://www.recreationtherapy.com/conference-presentation-archives.htm

Further Info for Educators on RTV Videos

My last post contains information for educators about using the Recreation Therapy Videos (RTV) in their fall classes. This is a follow-up to that post.

In order to read brief descriptions of each of the 23 RTV videos, go to the old IU TR website. It is http://www.indiana.edu/~iutr/

Once on the IU TR web page, look on the left side and you will see Recreation Therapy Videos. Click on this and it will provide you with a description of each video.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Two Reminders for Educators

Faculty who are using the 6th edition of my textbook titled Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques have access to a new Instructor's Guide by contacting Sagamore Publishing, Inc.

I would like to think the Instructor's Guide is the most complete one of its type ever to become available. It contains many teaching techniques and test items. The Instructor's Guide also has suggestions regarding using specific RTV videos in instruction.

Whether using my textbook or not, the Recreation Therapy Videos (RTV) are available to be used in teaching. They are available from Indiana University via streaming.

To view any of the 23 RTV videos
viewers use the link https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/3378

Once at the link, simply click on the title of the video you wish to view. This will take you to the page for the video where you just click on the address and the video will come up for viewing.

And best of success with your courses this fall!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

OT Study of Interest to RTs Seeks Subjects

A study is being conducted by the Washington University Program in Occupational Therapy in collaboration with Paraquad, Inc. This research is funded by the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research at the National Institutes of Health and the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research at the US Department of Education.

I am sending this information along for a couple of reasons. First, it is a type of research that could have easily been conducted by RT faculty who can apply for grants through NIDRR. It may be that RT faculty will want to do similar research and be able to pursue funding from NIDRR. For instance, this study involves only those who live in the community. It might be RT researchers could study those in assisted-living facilities.

Second, it may be that RTs may have clients who may wish to take part as participants in the study. RTs might encourage such participation and then be able to learn about the research study as they assist their clients to complete surveys. The study seeks participants with sensory and/or mobility impairments. The qualifications follow:

If you have a sensory impairment and/or mobility impairment, you may be eligible to participate in a new research project. This research aims to understand what people with sensory and/or mobility impairments do in their daily lives, how their environments affect their community participation and what, if any, help they need to complete activities.

Eligibility requires that you:

Are between the ages of 18 and 75

Live in the community

Have access to a computer

Can read at or above the 6th grade level

Can enter responses into a web-based survey or direct another individual to enter your responses into a web-based survey

Have either a mobility impairment, a visual impairment, or a hearing impairment

If eligibility is established, you will receive a code to log on to the survey site and complete the study. All information will be kept confidential and no connection between you and your survey answers will be made. Participants will be reimbursed by either a personal check or by a gift certificate to either Target or Walgreens, and may choose the method of reimbursement they prefer. The web-based assessment contains a set of two surveys and will take approximately one hour to complete.

2009 VA Summer Sports Clinic

The National Veterans Summer Sports Clinic gives veterans an opportunity for self development and promotes rehabilitation. This year the Clinic will be held September 20-25 in San Diego, CA.

Fitness Programs in Assisted-Living Facilities

I was pleased to pick up the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper this morning and see the lead story on the front page was "Staying Fit...Residents of Assisted-Living Communities Work Out, Feel Better."

The story describes the successes of residents who have taken part in a fitness program connected to the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. The program is being conducted by Dr. Jeff Williams, associate professor of medicine, and Dr. Jack Rajeski, professor of health and exercise science. Williams is quoted as saying: "The goal of this partnership is to work with Senior Living Communities and volunteers from more than 10,000 residents in communities across the Southeast to better understand factors which contribute to maintaining independence."

Further, the story reports "Studies have shown that about 50 percent of the physical decline associated with aging can be prevented or delayed through physical activity."

I'm pleased to learn of the Wake Forest program. I don't know how involved Pam Wilson and the RT staff at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center are in the fitness program for seniors in but I hope they are.

The main reason for this post is to focus on the positive effects of fitness on elderly persons and to encourage RTs to conduct fitness programs for thier clients. Also, perhaps RT faculty should become involved in studies like the Wake Forest study to provide empirical evidence of the effects of fitness programs in assisted-living facilities.

Party Schools List Out

Penn State University is the Number 1 party school according to the Princeton Review's latest survey of college students. I know John Dattilo is proud of his school's accomplishment!

Other schools with RT programs on the list of top party schools include Florida State University (#9), University of Iowa (#12), Indiana University (#14), and the University of Tennessee (#16). I know colleagues at these schools are also proud of the ranking gained by their institutions!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pacific Northwest TR Association Workshop

From Michael Ratliff, CTRS, comes this announcement:

Pacific Northwest TR Association Fall Workshop
October 23, 2009

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Social Event to Follow Workshop!

Missy Armstrong, CTRS
ATRA President Elect
Harborview Medical Center
"Advancing Therapeutic Recreation"
"Ponderings of an Old Therapist"

Molly Elliott, CTRS
City of Eugene
"Community Inclusion"

Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital
1015 NW 22nd Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97210

Please, see our website for updates!

New Book by Danny Pettry, M.S., CTRS

Danny Pettry, a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) with a Master's degree in Therapeutic Recreation from Indiana University has been studying people who've achieved success over the last decade during his leisure. He's also worked at providing therapeutic recreation interventions to help people to become self-fulfilled.

Now, he's put together a book of wisdom for people who are seeking to reach their highest potential in life.

Discover Hidden Secret Wisdom: A Recreational Therapist's System on How You Can Become Great at Anything is jam-packed with valuable stories, activities, and resources created to help you to become, not just good, but to become great at anything you want.

World class, top of the heap, flat out one of the best in the world at the one thing that can give you everything in life you're looking for right now.

This book is a fantastic resource for anyone looking for self-fulfillment and techniques for becoming their greatest.

Get the book and you'll help kids, too. A portion of all profits goes to the non-profit First Book. They provide new books to children in need addressing one of the most important factors affecting literacy, which is access to books.

Order your own copy of Discover Hidden Secret Wisdom: A Recreational Therapist's System on How You Can Become Great and you'll receive access to over 30 self-improvement articles that you can download as bonus gifts online. Details are inside the book.

Go here: http://www.HiddenSecretWisdom.Com

Friendly Reminder to Educators on RTV Videos

Just a quick reminder to those of you getting together your syllabi for the fall term that all 23 Recreation Therapy Videos (RTV) are available to you and your students via streaming.

You can ask your students to view an RTV video prior to class or you can show a video in your classroom. There are videos that fit into any number of courses. For instance, "To Serve a Purpose" is an excellent video to introduce students to RT/TR in an Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation course. Also useful in an Intro course is the three-part history of TR video.

There are 3 videos on therapeutic communication that may be used in a course on that topic or in a course on techniques in TR. The "Pioneers in TR" video has two parts. It might fit well in a senior seminar. Remember if you want Part 2 containing the most recent pioneers, you have to click on the address for Part 2 of the pioneers video. The list of possible videos goes on and on.

Take a look at the titles of RTV videos and see for yourself ones that will fit within your fall courses. I've repeated the information below on how to access the videos.

To view any of the 23 RTV videos viewers use the link https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/3378

Once at the link, simply click on the title of the video you wish to view. This will take you to the page for the video where you just click on the address and the video will come up for viewing.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

AJRT Call for Manuscripts

The American Journal of Recreation Therapy has issued a call for manuscripts. Manuscript submission is handled electronically. To submit, go to http://ajrt.allentrack2.net

For additional author guidelines visit www.recreationtherapy.org

Linda Buettner, Ph.D., LRT, CTRS is the Editor-In-Chief of AJRT.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ed Kesgen's Book is Published

Edward J. Kesgen,Ph.D., has just had his first book published. It is titled, "To Carlie-With Love-From Granddad." Most in RT know Ed as being a retired professor from Western Carolina University and a tremendous workshop leader. Now he is a published author too! Congratulations Ed!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Eunice Shriver Founded Special Olympics

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, a champion for the rights of persons who are mentally disabled and founder of the Special Olympics, has died. She was 88.

Shriver organized the first Special Olympics in 1968 in Chicago. The two-day event drew more than 1,000 participants from 26 states and Canada.

I can recall attending the Opening Ceremonies of a Special Olympics in New York State. It was quite an event with hundreds of partcipants. Many from the Kennedy family were there, along with a number of prominent figures from the world of sports. It left a positive impression on me.

I'm sure that many participants and spectators have enjoyed Special Olympics over the years. It seems that the games have come to symbolize what persons with intellectual disabilities can achieve.

In getting something like the Special Olympics started, Mrs. Shriver has shown what one person can do to change the world. We should all learn from her example.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Strong ATRA Slate

I just received my ATRA 2009-10 official ballot. I was pleasantly surprised at the strength of the slate.

The candidates for president-elect, Mary Ann Aquadro and Suzie Lane, have both been long-term, hard working ATRA members. I'm not well aqauinted with Lisa Morgan, who is running for treasurer, but she seems well qualified. Lisa and I are Facebook friends.

The candidates for member-at-large are impressive. I was particularly pleased to see Ramon Zabriskie was running for member-at-large. Ramon was a student of mine at Indiana and is really a bright person and a guy with lots of people skills. He also has a strong practitioer background. Mike Sutherland, from Ohio, is also running for member-at-large. He has been very active professionally and is an RT Blog reader who regularly comments on RT Blog posts.

It is great to have such a fine slate for the ATRA election. Thanks to each of the candidates for being welling to step forward and run for office! Don't you forget to vote!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

RTV Videos and Faculty Course Planning

Faculty beginning to prepare their syllabi for the fall term should take a look at the videos now available via streaming from Indiana University. The videos were produced by the Recreation Therapy Video (RTV) project at IU. A total of 23 RTV videos are available.

It would be my guess that one of the most used of the RTV videos is "To Serve a Purpose." This video provides an overview of RT so it is often used in "Rec 100" courses and "Introduction to TR" courses.

To view any of the 23 RTV videos viewers use the link https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/handle/2022/3378

Once at the link, simply click on the title of the video you wish to view. This will take you to the page for the video where you just click on the address and the video will come up for viewing.

Friday, August 07, 2009

NCD Seeking Input: How About RT?

The National Council on Disability (NCD) is gathering public input for a study of emerging issues and trends affecting the lives of people with disabilities. Information gathered will be used in the development of NCD's next annual progress report to the President and Congress, National Disability Policy: A Progress Report, which is required by Section 401(b) of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Please send your input by September 15, 2009.

I wonder if ATRA or any other RT related organization plans to make input into the report?

Participants Sought for RT Alzheimer's Research Study

Professor Linda Buettner of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro has received a four-year Alzheimer's Association Investigator Initiated Research Award. The title of the research project is "Mentally stimulating activities (MSAs) to treat apathy in early stage AD." Congratulations Linda!!

Professor Buettner is interested in agencies who might wish to have clients from their agencies participate in the study. I believe having your clients take part would be an enriching experience for your clients and an opportunity for you to become involved in a research project. Below is Dr. Buettner's contact information as well as a description of the study provided by Dr. Buettner:

Currently there is no cure for AD, so many individuals require extensive long-term services, often involving costly in-home care and out of home placements when function declines. Apathy is exhibited by up to 90% of those afflicted and contributes to serious problems such as more rapid declines in functional status, executive functioning, social engagement, and physical activity. Additionally, functional decline due to apathy contributes significantly to cost of care and is a major source of caregiver concern. Thus it is important to develop safe, efficacious, and cost effective interventions that maintain function, reduce neuropsychiatric symptoms, and promote quality of life by responding to apathy in the earliest stages. If awareness and engagement can be maintained over time through a scientifically developed mentally stimulating activity based intervention, ADL and IADL function may remain longer, and the period of time for costly care may be compressed.

This project addresses the problem of apathy in early stage AD in a 2-arm clinic trial. Based on our preliminary work, we believe we can reduce symptoms of apathy, related neuropsychiatric behaviors, and improve functional outcomes for community dwelling older adults with early stage AD by using a mentally stimulating activities (MSAs) intervention program. This project will take place in North Carolina and other diverse locations such as senior centers, retirement communities, and a university center for healthy aging and living. This intervention research is significant because it is easy to replicate in senior centers, public recreation settings, and in the homes of older adults with these symptoms. Reduction of apathy, related neuropsychiatric behaviors, and maintenance of function may improve quality of life outcomes over the course of the disease and reduce related care costs.

Linda L. Buettner, Ph.D, LRT, CTRS
Professor Therapeutic Recreation/Gerontology
RTH/Health and Human Performance
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Phone: 336-334-4131
Fax: 336-334-3238

National Summit on Disability Policy 2010

The National Council on Disability (NCD) is seeking people with disabilities, individuals representing grassroots organizations and others to help shape disability policies and programs for the next decade. Deadline for submitting application to attend the National Summit on Disability Policy is October 15, 2009.

It would be great to have someone from RT attend the 2010 National Summit on Disability Policy.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Prof. Broach Seeks Help with Inclusion Project

I'm passing along this from the ATRA Educators Listserve. It is from Professor Ellen Broach:

Hi All,
I am working with faculty from Special Education, Medicine, and Computer Information Systems to develop an interactive and integrated management information system that will allow parents, students, self advocates, teachers and community agencies to develop, plan and implement supports for individuals with disabilities in our area. After testing and development the system will be integrated and available for use in other communities.

The program will consist of a data base of individual’s skills and needs, interests and supports for participation in specific adult programs in our community. The program will match family’s/students input with the community information and lead to individualized output for IEP/transition meetings, program evaluation information, and aggregate data the community agencies can use to plan for the future. We are very excited about the potential this tool will have for the inclusion of recreational therapy on IEPs in our community!

To make a long story short, I am looking for assessment/educational tools that could be integrated into the system related to recreation interests and supports/training needed. I also plan on assessing barriers and supports to participation in community activity. I am going to additionally include an educational component that identifies options for recreational options that are not in our community....So, I would appreciate any information you may have on tools or adaptations of assessments that are available. I have some ideas and have examined a few resources would like more input. Thanks for your help!

Ellen Broach

Dr. Ellen Broach, CTRS
Associate Professor
University of South Alabama
Department of HPELS
Mobile, AL 36688-0002
Phone: 251-461-1454
Fax: 251-460-7252

RTI Call for Presentations Due September 11th

Recreation Therapists of Indiana President Julie Foster, M.S., CTRS, recently sent out a reminder that those wishing to speak at the RTI Annual Conference in November should get in their proposals by September 11, 2009.

I previously posted the complete outline for presentation proposals on the RT Blog. In case you need additional information, you can contact Julie at her home office number which is 219-279-2652.

I would hope that some of our colleagues from the Dayton/Cincy area will choose to submit proposals. The RTI Conference will be held in the Indianapolis area so it is a relatively short drive over from the Dayton/Cincy area.

ATRA Annual Conference Registration Now Open

ATRA has announced that registration is now open for the 2009 ATRA Annual Conference to be held October 3-6, 2009, in Minneapolis.

The meeting location will be the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis. Rooms must be reserved before September 9. The room rate is $129 (Single/Double). Make reservations online or call (612) 370-1234.

To register for the ATRA Annual Conference you should go to the ATRA website at www.atra-online.com

Position Opening in Wheatfield, Indiana

From Julie Foster, M.S., CTRS, and the RTI listserve comes this job opportunity:

Hi Julie,

My name is Brian Davidson and I am a human resources representative for Christian Haven, Inc. in Wheatfield, Indiana. I got you information from the RTI website. We currently have one or possiblly two positions for RT's. We prefer candidates with a degree and certification in therapeutic recreation. You can check out our website at christianhaven.org. If you know of anyone who might be interested they can e-mail a resume to me at hr@christianhaven.org or downlaod an application from our website and fax it to 219-956-4128. Any referrals would be much appreciated! Have a great day.

Brian Davidson,
HR Rep

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Back from Scotland

The Hoosier RT just returned from a two-week trip to Scotland. What a great place.