RT Blog

Location: Indiana, United States

I became a Professor Emeritus after serving 29 years as a recreational therapy faculty member at Indiana University. I'm a long-time Hoosier, having grown up in Hanover, Indiana. My RT practitioner work was in psych/mental health. After completing my Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, my first faculty position was at the University of North Texas. RT has been a wonderful profession for me as I have had the opportunity to serve as an author and national leader.

Friday, February 27, 2009

ATRA Mid-Year and Annual Reminders

ATRA just sent out a reminder on the Mid-Year and Annual Conference:

ATRA Mid-Year -- March 22-24, 2009

There's still time to register and book your rooms!
Earn up to 1.55 CEUs

Please consider joining ATRA at our Mid-Year Professional Issues Forum in the Washington DC area. Learn some cutting edge information and visit your legislators during Day on the Hill!

Please note that daily rates have been substantially reduced! Reservations at the Conference Center are not required. Call ATRA for additional information.

ATRA Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN

Mark your calendars and plan to join us in Minneapolis - October 2-5, 2009.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

PowerPoints for TR Processes and Techniques

I just received notice that the PowerPoint slides for the 6th edition of my book Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques (David R. Austin, 2009) are done. They will be put up on the Sagamore Publishing website next week for use by instructors adopting the book.

Sagamore Publishing has developed 85 PowerPoint slides to accompany the book. The slides cover all the Tables and Figures in the book -- plus additional ones on areas such as writing behavioral objectives and doing group processing.

It is anticipated that the Instuctor's Guide for the 6th edition of Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques will be available within the next few weeks.

Southeast RT Symposium, April 8 - 10

Left off the list of RT/TR meetings posted February 22nd was the Southeast Recreational Therapy Symposium.

Thanks to Skalko's comment on the February 22nd post we now have the following information:

The Southeast Recreational Therapy Symposium, will be held at Myrtle Beach, SC, on April 8-10.

Escape the winter; Get CEUs; Bring the Family.

For information go to www.musc.edu/srts

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Macular Degeneration

Age-related Macular Degeneration is one of the leading causes of vision impairment in people over the age of 50. Because of this Lighthouse International has urged people to learn more about Macular Degeneration.

The advice to learn more about this disorder of the eyes should certainly be heeded by recreational therapists working with aging populations and RT students interested in this population.

My mother had Macular Degeneration when she was in an assisted living facility. That is when I first learned about the disorder. Many of the other residents also had Macular Degeneration and it was extremely difficult for all of them to cope with.

Lighthouse International has an excellent website on Macular Degeneration. It explains what it is, types, risk factors, guidelines for reducing it, treatment of it, and dry and wet ADM. The address is http://lighthouse.org/medical/eye-disorders/mascular-degeneration/

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

National Walk for Epilepsy is March 28th

The Epilepsy Foundation has announced the Third Annual National Walk for Epilepsy will be held March 28, 2009, on the National Mall in Washington, DC.

For information or to register visit: walkforepilepsy.org

Monday, February 23, 2009

How is RT/TR Doing as a Profession?

I just completed a survey for NCTRC (as I'm sure many of you have). Perhaps the most interesting question to me was whether the RT/TR profession was better off today than it was 5 years ago.

I found this question to be very thought provoking -- and so I am passing it on to you via the RT Blog. What do you think? Is RT/TR better off than it was 5 years ago? All comments welcome!

On-line Courses in RT/TR Available

I have been interested in distance learning for over 25 years. In 1999, Bryan McCormick and I instructed what I believe was the first TR course ever taught on-line. That was Indiana University's R378, Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation. Unfortunately, that was the only time the course was offered because faculty simply did not have the time to devote to on-line teaching -- even though the course was a success by every indicator.

I should mention however that IU's successful "MS via TV" distance learning program continues today. The program is now almost 25 years old and scores of recreational therapists have completed their master's degrees through this video instructional program.

Because of my efforts in DE, I was particularly pleased to receive information from Patty Thomas, MPA, CTRS,on her work in distance education. Patty has provided updated information about the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM) TR Certificate Program.

Patty reports that all 5 of the courses required for CTRS certificatin are now available online from UWM. Student may earn up to 18 credits total credits by completing the program. Courses include:
THERERC 203 Recreation as a Therapeutic Intervention - 3 cr
THERREC 300 Assessment and Documentation in TR - 4 cr
THERREC 308 TR in Physical Rehab and Behavioral Health - 4 cr
THERREC 310 Facilitation Techniques in TR - 4 cr
THERREC 400 TR Trends - 3 cr

Completion of the program allows the student to meet the TR coursework requirement for NCTRC initial certification or recertification requirements. Contact information for Patty follows below.

Patricia Thomas, MPA, CTRS
Clinical Associate Professor
TR Certificate Coordinator
UWM PO Box 413
Milwaukee, WI 53201

By the way, Patty added this P.S. to her message to me:
P.S. Your RT Blog is listed in the Links section of my online courses.

Post on David Howard's Human Sexuality Curriculum

Human Sexuality Curriculum in RT/TR

I received information on human sexuality and RT/TR curriculum from colleague and friend David Howard, Ph.D. David teaches RT/TR at Indiana State University. I posted the information on February 21st but there have been many posts since. I don't want David's information to get "lost" so, if you have not read the post, you may wish to go back to it so you may learn more about what he is doing in the area of human sexuality and RT/TR curriculum.

CDC E-card

DisabilityInfo.gov has announced a new service -- Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) E-Cards.

This CDC E-card, which you can send to family and friends, contains important tips and information about programs relating to the health and wellness of people with disabilities.

Information on the E-card has recently been updated, and can be read by visiting this link: http://www.disabilityinfo.gov/digov-public/public/DisplayPage.do?parentFolderId=152

Sunday, February 22, 2009

PowerPoints for TR Processes and Techniques Book

I just reviewed the set of PowerPoint slides produced by Sagamore Publishing that will be available for instructors using my new textbook Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques (6th edition, 2009, David R. Austin).

I think those educators who use Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques in their coures will really like what Sagamore Publishing has done with the slides. Every Figure and Table in the book is reproduced as a PowerPoint slide. Plus a number of additional PowerPoint slides have been produced to help instructors teach concepts such as writing behavioral objectives, understanding group dynamics, and conducting group processing (e.g., debriefing).

Those instructors using the new 6th edition should contact Sagamore to obtain the complete set of PowerPoint slides that accompany Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques.

The new Instructor's Guide for Therapeutic Recreation Processes and Techniques is in the final phase of development. I would anticipate it will be available to instructors within the next month. I personally believe the Instructor's Guide will be the most complete instructor's guide ever to accompany a TR textbook.

ATRA Teleconferences Begin February 25th

ATRA recently sent out a reminder that their teleconferences begin February 25th. The list of teleconferences is below. For information contact Jean Folkerth at

Teleconference Topics for 2009 include:
Series A | Long Term Care
Series B | Assistive Technology
Series C | Mental Health Issues
Series D | TBI/Polytrauma
Series E | Professional Issues

For detailed information on the series, individual session topics, and to register, please click on:

Thanks Charlie Dixon!!

Reading the February issue of the Therapeutic Recreation Directory Newsletter reminded me that we owe Charlie Dixon, M.S., CTRS, so much for all his efforts over many years to provide RTs with information using the web. I know that through its awards program ATRA has recognized Charlie for his wonderful service but I wish ATRA could do even more to bring attention to what Charlie has done for our profession.

If you read this Charlie, please know that your work continues to have a tremendous impact on our profession and that you, as an individual, have made a special contribution that no one else has. You are appreciated Charlie!

Many RT Educational Opportunties


From the recent Therapeutic Recreation Directory Newsletter comes the announcement of the following meetings:

2009 North Carolina Recreation and Park Association-Therapeutic Recreation Section Annual Conference's
"Get on Track with Therapeutic Recreation"
Salisbury, NC at Holiday Inn
Go to www.ncrpa.net to get more information
MARCH 28-31

NYSTRA 14th Annual Multi-Day Conference
Saratoga Springs, NY
April 2-4
TRSSW Symposium

Hillcrest Medical Center (Women's Health Center 3rd floor)
Tulsa, Oklahoma

“Activities Soaring to New Heights”
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hotel Albuquerque Old Town
MAY 3-5

At Hershey Park, Pennsylvania...
"The Sweetest Place On Earth"
MAY 15

The Cincinnati-Dayton Area Recreation Therapy Association, a chapter of ATRA, will host its spring workshop on Friday, May 15, 2009 in Cincinnati.
The theme of the workshop is Embracing Change. Tehe Call for Papers is available at www.CDARTA.com. The full program will be available on the website by April 1. CEU's will be available.

New ADHD Resources Available

From DisabilityInfo.gov an announcment of two publications from the U.S. Department of Education: "Identifying and Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Resource for School and Home" and "Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices."

These publications address the important issues related to the instruction of children with ADHD. Both publications are available online and can be obtained by going to the web address listed below.

This information has recently been updated, and can be read by visiting this link: http://www.disabilityinfo.gov/digov-public/public/DisplayPage.do?parentFolderId=107

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Human Sexuality Curriculum in RT/TR

I received the information below on human sexuality from colleague and friend David Howard Ph.D. David teaches RT/TR at Indiana State University and has directed the information toward RT/TR faculty. Here is the information from David:

Dear Colleagues: I am interested in seeing how other recreation therapy educators are addressing the topic of human sexuality in their curriculum.

Briefly creating a context for this topic, human sexuality is specifically mentioned in accreditation standards (8.06:03), and introductory leisure textbooks (such as Godbey’s “Leisure in your life”) have long included chapters covering leisure and sexuality. As for RT/TR, personally, every place I have worked in or heard of recreation therapists working in are settings where issues related to human sexuality are indirectly and sometimes directly part of the work experience.

I’d also share that last year our department’s annual spring fieldtrip took us to Urbana-Champaign (IL) and I took recreation therapy students to several sites relevant to health care and rehabilitation. One of these sites was the Cunningham Children’s home where we took a tour of the facilities and had the chance to explore client issues. Amidst that discussion, our host shared that recreation therapists teach the treatment center’s sex education/awareness group for boys and girls. I know many other RT’s conduct similar programs. The question then becomes how do we best encourage students to explore personal values and attitudes, prepare them to experience (perhaps differing or dysfunctional) sexual attitudes and behavior exhibited by clients, and then how to best intervene (inclusive of teaching them when and how to make referrals).

Without taking too much of your time, I’d welcome comments about how your program’s curriculum addresses: (a) the topic of leisure and sexuality or (b) prepares recreation therapy students to be aware, comfortable, and capable to professionally address issues related to sexuality and health/disability of their clients or patients.

If you have some more time and wish to explore and share comments on a couple documents I will be glad to send them to you as attachments if you will contact me. One document is from the Cunningham Children’s home sex education/awareness curriculum taught by recreation therapists; and the second is a composite PDF of how I’ve taught the topic of sexuality as it relates to health and disability (within a Trends/Issues class). In sharing this, I assume individual responsibility for its content, yet do feel compelled to give credit to colleagues Dr. Marieke Van Puymbroeck (Indiana U), Dr. Rhonda Nelson (Temple U), and Dr. Jerome Singleton (Dalhousie U) who have presented on this topic with me at national conferences and or greatly influenced and supported this vein of academic scholarship.

I greatly look forward to any discussion or questions this generates…(Please comment on this post or contact me.)

Comments to me personally are very welcome – use either dhoward10@isugw.indstate.edu or dkh7lives@yahoo.com

Thank you - David Howard, PhD

Dr. David Howard
Indiana State University
College of Nursing, Health and Human Services
COB 1209
Terre Haute, Indiana 47809
812-237-2188 (ISU)
812-236-9766 (cell)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

ATRA Teleconferences

I received the following message from ATRA and am passing it on. Here it is:

ATRA is pleased to introduce its 2009 Teleconference Series! I urge you to review the topics which could add to many of your classes. Also a great way to say "Thanks" to all the practitioners who have assisted in your classes and fieldwork experiences is to host a session and the only thing the practitioners would have to pay is $10 for the CEU's if you pay for the organizational session! What a great way to say "Thanks"!

Also are your students aware of the MDS 3.0? How about Assistive Technology? Some great sessions are on the "books" for this semester. So, take time consider their uses and sign up now for the 2009 ATRA Teleconference Series!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Teleconference Topics for 2009 include:
Series A | Long Term Care
Series B | Assistive Technology
Series C | Mental Health Issues
Series D | TBI/Polytrauma
Series E | Professional Issues

For detailed information on the series, individual session topics, and to register, please click below.

Monday, February 16, 2009

ATRA Facebook Page

I received the message that follows from Mary Ann Aquadro via the ATRA Educators listserve:

The ATRA Board is excited to announce that an ATRA Facebook page has been created!! Log into Facebook, go to groups and type in American Therapeutic Recreation Association. There is a hyperlink that says join this group and you are a member.

It's a wonderful informational and networking tool for all clinicians, educators and students involved in our profession. You are all invited to visit the page, join and spread the word to your students. It was created February 13 and is growing fast!!!

There are discussion boards for Students, Treatment Networks, and ATRA Teams. Encourage your students to use these for networking and information. We are looking forward to seeing you and your students on the page!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Should ATRA be ARTA?

On February 2nd I posted information about ATRA changing to ARTA.

I mentioned that there is a growing movement to change the name of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) to the American Recreational Therapy Association (ARTA).

In that post I put forth reasons for changing the name to ARTA, including being congruent with ATRA's vision and mission statements and the term recreational therapy setting boundaries for the profession – so the organization is not trying to be “all things to all people.”

Past national leader Dr. Jerry Kelley commented on the post. In his comment he strongly supported the name change and indicated it should have been made 25 years ago when ATRA was founded. I appreciate Jerry sharing his view and hope that others may choose to comment on the name change.

Position Opening in Indiana

From Heather J. Sedletzeck, CTRS, comes this position opening via the RTI listserve:

RT Solutions, Inc is currently seeking applicants for a full time CTRS position for Vigo, Clay, Putnam and Sullivan Counties counties in Indiana.
The position is for a home-based therapist to deliver services to clients with developmental disabilities of various ages.

Full time positions would offer; health insurance stipends, 401 K, mileage reimbursement, company sponsored CEU opportunities and 2 weeks vacation after the first year.
Salary range for full time positions is $30,000 - $35,000 to start depending on experience.

If you are seeking a position where you have the creative freedom to provide the best therapy possible, with supervision and support of our innovative team of therapists, WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!
For more information about our company, please check out our website at: www.rtsolutionsinc.com

If interested in the above listed positions, please send your resume and references to: Heather Sedletzeck at heatherctrs@bizma.rr.com

Heather J. Sedletzeck, CTRS, President
RT Solutions Inc.
812-917-4529 (o)
812-878-6872 (c)

Friday, February 13, 2009

I Joined ATRA Facebook Group!

I just received an email message a few minutes ago with the subject: Kensinger invited you to join the group "American Therapeutic Recreation Association."

I am not exactly sure what becoming a member of the ATRA Facebook Group means -- but being the joiner that I am and the great supporter of ATRA that I am -- I joined.

Perhaps someday I'll come to understand what I have done! In the meanwhile, Go ATRA!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

AJRT Accepting Manuscripts

The American Journal of Recreation Therapy recently announced a call for manuscripts.

Manuscripts are accepted for review as original clinical or basic science research, case reports, clinical reviews, literature reviews, practical application, inservice updates and letters to the editor. Manuscript submission is handled electronically. To submit a manuscript, please follow this link to http://ajrt.allentrack2.net. For additional author guidelines and instructions please visit the journal's webpage, www.recreationtherapy.org

American Journal of Recreation Therapy is the journal of record in the field and features a distinguished Editorial Review Board led by Editor-In-Chief, Professor Linda Buettner, PhD, LRT, CTRS. Dr. Buettner has a long standing reputation as one of the country's most respected leaders in the challenging field of recreation therapy.

ATRA Annual Call for Papers

There has been a call for manuscripts for the ATRA Annual in Therapeutic Recreation Volume 18. The deadline is February 14, 2009.

The Editor of the ATRA Annual is Norma J. Stumbo, Ph.D., CTRS.

For submission information/Call for Manuscripts:

Web Casts on Recreation and Spinal Cord Injuries

The recent NCPAD Newsletter had a news item on the web cast series produced by the Mount Sinai Medical School. I got on the website where, after registering, I was able to watch a web cast on "Exercise, Sports and Recreation" for persons with spinal cord injuries. Interesting information about their recreational participation is presented by a panel of individuals who have spinal cord injuries.

I believe the Mount Sinai web casts could be used by instructors in recreational therapy classes, as well as instructors in inclusive recreation courses.

Here is the information provided in the NCPAD Newsletter. There is a website mentioned if you want to check out the web casts. Here it is:

These web casts shed new perspectives on SCI-related issues including healthy eating and weight management, exercise and sports & recreation, perspectives on intimacy and sexuality after SCI, reinventing yourself after SCI, and more. You are invited to watch as many of the free videos as you want and to share the link with your friends to spread the word on this exciting new web cast series.

Take a brief online survey before viewing at http://event.netbriefings.com/event/mssci/Archives/Reg/

Position Opening in Indiana

I just received the information found below from the RTI listserve. It was posted there by Heather Sedletzeck, CTRS. Here it is:

RT Solutions, Inc is currently seeking applicants for a full-time CTRS position for Marion and Hamilton counties in Indiana.The position is for a home-based therapist to deliver services to clients with developmental disabilities of various ages.

The full-time position offers: health insurance stipends, 401 K, mileage reimbursement, company sponsored CEU opportunities and 2 weeks vacation after the first year. Salary range for full time positions is $30,000 - $35,000 to start depending on experience.

If you are seeking a position where you have the creative freedom to provide the best therapy possible, with supervision and support of our innovative team of therapists, WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!

For more information about our company, please check out our website at: www.rtsolutionsinc.com

If interested in the above listed positions, please send your resume and references to: Heather Sedletzeck at heatherctrs@bizma.rr.com

Heather J. Sedletzeck, CTRS, President
RT Solutions Inc.
812-917-4529 (o)
812-878-6872 (c)

Person-First Language Factsheet Available

I just read a new factsheet published by NCPAD on person-first language. While it is directed to fitness professionals, the information could be useful to recreation professionals who work with persons with disabilities. I thought it might be used by instructors of university courses on inclusive recreation.

The information could also prove helpful to students studying to become recreational therapists.

Here is the information provided by NCPAD on the factsheet:

NCPAD New Document:
Person-First Language and Disability Awareness: Interaction Tips for the Fitness Professional

This brand new factsheet from NCPAD gives a brief but helpful overview of the do's and don'ts for working and communicating with people with disabilities in the fitness arena. It includes some basic facts and general information as well as disability specific guidelines for working with people with physical, visual, hearing, speech, and cognitive disabilities.

To read this new NCPAD factsheet, please go to: http://www.ncpad.org/exercise/fact_sheet.php?sheet=680.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Reduced Rates for ATRA Mid-Year

I recently received this information from the ATRA Office:

ATRA Professional Issues Mid-Year Forum
| March 22-24, 2009 | Greater Washington, DC
Announcing New Reduced Rates for Attendees!

Deadline Extended to March 23 (note: perhaps this date is incorrect because the meeting begins March 22)

The ATRA 2009 Professional Issues Mid-Year Forum is designed to feature Educational Tracks on three cutting-edge topics in the Recreation Therapy profession. Attendees may choose from the following Tracks:

TRACK 1 -- Public Policy
TRACK 2 -- Identification and Collection of Outcome Indicators
TRACK 3 -- Chronic Care

New Reduced Rates!!

In an attempt to accommodate more of our valued members and make continuing education more affordable we are pleased to announce that the full package rates are now available to ALL of our attendees -- those who are staying onsite as well as those who are driving in each day.
Members: $220.00
Non members: $344.00
Student members: $175.00

RATE INCLUDES: This rate will include all of your meals and breaks on March 22-23 and a box lunch on the 24th (Day on the Hill) plus free transportation to the Hill and back to the Conference Center or Dulles airport on the 24th. Flights out of Dulles must be scheduled after 5:30pm to allow time to get to the airport from the Hill.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Judith Voelkl's Obituary

This obituary for Judith Voelkl was sent to me by a friend:

Judith E. Voelkl of Champaign, 51, formerly of Clemson, South Carolina, passed away on February 7, 2009 at the home of her sister and brother in law in Champaign. Voelkl was born on February 25, 1957 in Boston, Massachusetts. She grew up in Lisle, Illinois.

She received her B.S. from Illinois State University, her M.S. from Indiana University, and her Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University. She was a Professor of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at Clemson University. Her scholarly work focused on quality of life issues for elders residing in nursing homes. She received numerous awards for her work, including the 2005 Scholarly Achievement Award from the American Therapeutic Recreation Association and in 2006 she was inducted into the Academy of Leisure Sciences. Aside from her professional work, she had a large network of friends who assisted her through her final year. Throughout her adulthood she also spent a great deal of time quilting, walking her dog, studying Buddhism and practicing meditation.

She is survived by her mother, Pauline Voelkl of Urbana, her sister Deborah Russo of Boston, her sister and brother in law, Cynthia Voelkl and Ernest Blackwelder of Champaign, and her beloved nephews Leo and Owen Blackwelder.

A Buddhist memorial service (a Sukhavati) will be held at Japan House on the University of Illinois campus at 1:00 on Saturday, February 14, 2009. A memorial service will also be held in Clemson, SC at the Clemson University Outdoor Lab Bowfin Lodge at 4:00 on Thursday, February 12, 2009.

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Judi Voelkl Scholarship Fund in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at Clemson University. Checks may be made out to CU Foundation and “Judi Voelkl Scholarship” written in the memo line. Mail checks to Clemson University-PRTM, 263 Lehotsky Hall, PO Box 340735, Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0735.

Judi’s spirit, passion and laugh will be sorely missed by all who loved her.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Judith Voelkl Passes

The following message came to me yesterday from a close friend of Judi Voelkl. I sadly post it here for your information:

"On this beautiful sunny morning, the kind Judi always relished, she slipped from life as we know it. Her laughter, her kindnesses, her wonderful outlook on life will stay with us always. Please keep Judi and her family in your thoughts."

Monday, February 02, 2009

February is Black History Month

February is Black History Month, a celebration of African American heritage, culture, and accomplishments. Many may not realize that one of the early pioneers in recreational therapy was African American. That was Ira Hutchinson.

In the mid-1960s, Ira Hutchinson served as the first President of the National Therapeutic Recreation Society (NTRS) and then as the first Executive Secretary for NTRS. Hutchinson later was a Founding Member of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA).

ARTA -- What Do You Think?

I have had prior posts on a name change for ATRA. But I think it is time to raise the issue again.

There is a growing movement to change the name of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) to the American Recreational Therapy Association (ARTA).

A number of reasons have been put forth for changing the name to ARTA. Some of the reasons for the change follow.

First, to change the name of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association to the American Recreational Therapy Association makes the organization's name congruent with both the vision and mission of the organization. The Mission Statement reads: “The mission…is to serve a member driven organization that collectively supports the recreational therapy profession.

The Vision Statement reads: “The Vision…is to be the premiere professional membership association representing recreational therapists, consumers and stakeholders.”

Second, the term recreational therapy also offers a focus consistent with the language in the Medicare Project that refers to recreational therapy (not therapeutic recreation).

Third, the term recreational therapy sets boundaries for the profession – so the organization is not trying to be “all things to all people.”

Finally, perhaps as important as any other reason is that the general public understands the term recreational therapy – but they are confused when they hear the expression therapeutic recreation.

What do you think? Any comments on the name change?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

NCPAD's Virtual Trainer 14-Week Plan

I just received an email from the National Center on Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD) announcing a new fitness program. It looks like the plan would be helpful for many RT clients -- and perhaps some RTs. Here is the announcement:

NCPAD 14-Week Plan to a Healthier You
It’s Finally Here!

For the first time ever, you can sign up to receive weekly tips from NCPAD’s Virtual Trainer that will help keep you motivated to stay on track for your health and fitness goals for 2009.

You will gain exclusive access to our physical activity and nutrition experts that can provide personalized guidance to you during this 14-week program.

Weekly tips will include information on topics such as nutrition, workout ideas, fitness equipment, weather, motivation tools, written and video resources, and more. You will also receive forms that will allow you to log your progress as well as ideas for rewarding yourself when you meet your goals.

This 14-week program officially starts on February 14th, so you have plenty of time to fine tune your goals.

So celebrate American Heart Month by recruiting your friends and signing up at http://www.ncpad.org/14weeks/

Looking forward to being your trainer!


ATRA Mid-Year in Washington, DC

I recently received a card in the mail from ATRA regarding the Professional Issues Mid-Year Forum to be held March 22nd - 24th at the National Conference Center in Washington, DC.

Three educational tracks will be on the program: Public Policy, Identification and Collection of Outcome Indicators, and Chronic Care. Up to 1.55 CEUs will be available.

If you haven't attended an ATRA Mid-Year you should go. If you have been I'm sure you will want to go back this year.

The Mid-Year is smaller in size than the Annual Conference so you really get to mix with fellow participants and speakers. I have just found the Mid-Year meetings to be more relaxed and more fun than the Annual Conferences.

Another plus for the Mid-Year is the "Day on the Hill." This is a day for you to meet with your Congressman or Senator. It is an empowering experience to go to Capital Hill.

For further information about the ATRA Mid-Year go to www.atra-online.com